資料來源: https://grants.moc.gov.tw/Web/AwardPublish.jsp?__viewstate=4HwKyTT0yJCFSPTEkIVBUPTI0NjkkIUI9MzU3MSQhU3RhdHVzUGFyYW1ldGVyPU0sUixQVCxCLCQhFJUtalents Spring/Summer 2020 in LFW
FJUtalents 2020春夏 倫敦時裝週發表FJU talents is an annual platform showcasing emerging designers from Taiwan. The platform is sponsored by Textile & Clothing Department of Fu Jen Catholic University (FJU,) A leading fashion and textile design education institute based in Taiwan since 1970. FJU Tenants supports and nurtures the institute’s talents alumni into the global fashion scene.Each year, four selected designers are supported by FJU talents to showcase their collection at Fashion Scout during London Fashion Week.#YuMeiHuang

輔仁大學織品服裝學院打造的FJU Talents計畫,連續3年進軍倫敦時裝週新銳設計舞台Fashion Scout,於今年9月15日假Victoria House展演2020春夏系列。今年由莊生、賴品聿、黃郁媚與洪威宇代表FJU Talents,4位新銳設計師分別以賴床經驗、華人經典文學、服裝療癒法及人與自然的連結為主題,共展演30套服裝,展現台灣時尚多元創意的文化。特別的是,黃郁媚曾於2017年透過FJU Talents計畫初登倫敦時裝週舞台,此次再度入選,顯示輔仁大學織品服裝學院長期培育人才的精神。

Thanks for #MOC support