- 時間:2019年9月21日至10月1日
- 地點:俄羅斯基斯洛沃茨克 Kislovodsk, Russia
- 主辦單位: Nasledie Institute
Scientific Research Institute of Archeology and Ancient History of the North Caucasus (Stavropol)
第四屆國際絲綢之路研究聯盟(IASSRT)學術研討會於2019年9月21日至10月1日在俄羅斯基斯洛沃茨克舉行,研討會主題為“紡織品:作為一種史料 “核心是絲綢之路(包括沙漠綠洲絲綢之路,草原絲綢之路和海上絲綢之路)上的紡織品,並與經濟和技術發展,貿易聯繫,外交和政治關係,社會結構,紡織品生產和 製造,神話,宇宙學和裝飾藝術等歷史背景下的主題相統一結合。
4th Symposium International Association for the Study of Silk Road Textiles (IASSRT), Sep. 21 – Oct. 1, 2019, Kislovodsk, Russia. “Textiles as A Historical Source”
I. Description
The 4th Symposium of IASSRT will take place from 21st September to 1st October 2019 in Russia, while mainly in Kislovodsk. The theme of the symposium will be “Textiles as a historical source”. The chief focus of the discussion will be the consilience in approach to understanding textiles in the historical context covering topics such as economic and technological development, trade links, diplomatic and political relations, social structure, textiles production and manufacturing, mythology, cosmology and decorative arts, etc. on the territories of the Silk Road (including Eastern Silk Road, Steppe Silk Road, and Maritime Silk Road).
- Su Lee Tsai, A Study of Political, Economical and Societal In-
fuences onQi-pao’s Materials and Style in Maritime Silk Road - Ho Zhaohua, The Research of Miao “Linx” Weaving Techniques and History among Qingshui River
- 國際絲路之綢研究聯盟(IASSRT):http://iassrt.org/
- 中國絲綢博物館:http://www.chinasilkmuseum.com/
- 第四屆國際絲綢之路研究聯盟(IASSRT)學術研討會 : http://www.iassrtsymposium.com/