【國際競賽】恭喜 ! 輔大織品 吳郁賢同學與黃郁媚校友雙雙入圍2018名古屋時裝大賽

Our student Wu Yu-Hsien and Alumni Yu-mei Huang, who is studying in Royal College of Art (UK) and was the 1st FJU Talents designer, passed the Initial Screening. In Final Judging Results of 13th September, they got finalist award and won 30,000 yen.

There were 4,528 entries (including 274 entries from outside Japan) in “Nagoya Fashion Contest 2018.” Thank you very much for your entries!
The initial screening based on sketches was held on 4th June, 2018 and 33 sketches were decided that go to the final public judging.

Wu Yu-Hsien “Incorporeal Captivity”/men

Yu-mei Huang “In to the Bubble”/women

10 winners design artworks of of Nagoya Fashion Contest 2018